Termite Treatment
Central Coast Pest Control
Offering control and management of all your termites, cockroach, spiders and general pest problems.
Talk to our team of experts!

Termite Treatment
On the Central Coast
Termite Treatment on the Central Coast
Termites can cause serious structural problems in your home and all areas across the Central Coast are at risk of termite infestation or damage.
Termites play a fundamental and valuable role in our ecosystem. They are natures most valued recyclers. The burrow and aerate the soil which allows rain water to seep into the soil and allow for nutrients to mix in with another.
The main role of Termites is to feed on cellulose found in dead plants, and their sticky excretions hold the soil together, preventing soil erosion. By feeding on dead plants they therefore place dead plant matter back into the soil allowing for new, healthy plants to grow.
Their role is fundamental for our environment but their role can be destructive for our homes which is why it’s best to treat termites before they commence nesting in your garden or near the foundations of your home.
Our team of Termite Experts will assist with sourcing, treating and managing your termite problems ensuring you have peace of mind every 12 months.
We highly recommend yearly treatments occur to ensure any further infestation from occurring.

Worried you have bed bugs?

Do you have an ant problem?

Found pigeons nesting under your solar panels?

Grab a neighbour and get a discount!
Types Of Termites found on the Central Coast
On the Central Coast we have 3 main species of Termites that cause destruction to homes and offices:
- Coptotermes Termites is the most commonly found termite that are found in people’s homes or offices here on the Central Coast.
- Schedorhinotermes are another species of Termite found in homes and offices across the central coast and are a very shy termite and will retreat if disturbed too much.
- Nasutitermes are another Termite species found across the Central Coast and they make their nest in trees.
What to watch out for
Termites exist in colonies and require each component of the cast to ensure survival occurs.
Termite colonies exist of a Queen, King, Workers, Soldiers and reproductive Termites.
If you find a Termite mould or suspect Termite activity give our team or Termite Pest Control experts a call, or contact us here.
Areas We Service on the Central Coast
- We service Umina and surrounding areas with all of your pest control and termite maintenance needs. Including, Woy Woy, Caves Beach, Gosford, Brooklyn, Cooranbong.
The Pest Control Life Cycle
Pests are around our home, inside, outside, in the roof and under our houses, which is why it makes it so important to have your yearly pest treatment completed at your home, but also a termite inspection if your house is constructed with timber in, or around it.
So, how does our pest treatment work?
Crawling insect surface sprays work on the principle that after spraying an area, a thin layer of insecticide remains as a residue on the surface. When an insect walks across this surface, they pick up the insecticide on their legs and body. The insecticide either enters their body directly or as a result of grooming and the insect dies.
The speed of kill depends on the amount of insecticide they pick up and their susceptibility to the insecticide. However, even on a freshly sprayed surface, the insects don’t pick up much insecticide and it will take minutes or even hours for the insect to die. It is therefore quite possible for homeowners to see insects walk across treated surfaces with no apparent effect.
However, assuming the insect has picked up enough insecticide, they will eventually die.

Our Guide To Knowing When It’s Time for a Pest Treatment
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Signs of an Infestation
Noticed any signs of webs, ant mounds or pest droppings? These are common signs that you may have a bug problem.

Rustling in the roof?
Her a scurry of little feet running inside the roof? Our furry possum friends like to hide in the roofs of our homes to keep cool during Summer and warm in the Winter. Time to call the experts out!

White Tip Spiders walking about?
Have you noticed a spider running along your walls? A red back hiding under the couches? Our eight legged tennants will seek shelter from the heat and wetness, so as soon as you see signs of dangerous spiders give us a call immediately.

Concerned about rats?
Rats and Mice are rodents that can become a nuisance if you have a colony of them living inside, under or around your home. Our rodent bait traps will help alleviate the stress of worrying about an infestation.